0th3r sit3s!

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these are some of my favorite sites! i used a lot of them to help make the site you're currently on. check 'em out if you're building your own neocity, or if you just wanna look at some neat stuff!


from the internet archive, gifcities is a collection of gifs found on old geocities websites! a ton of the gifs on this site are from there, but even if you're not looking for anything to use it's really fun to just browse all the archived gifs! while you're there, consider donating to the internet archive, they do a lot of stuff but are especially worth supporting if you're an old web enthusiast.


if you're on neocities a bunch, i'm sure you've already seen sadgrl.online - with all the views they have, they probably don't need a shoutout from me! regardless, i'd feel bad if i didn't mention this awesome site, especially because of how much it helped me set up this one! this site is invaluable if you're considering setting up your own site, and even includes pre-coded layouts if html isn't really your thing! check out the owner's ko-fi while you're there if you have the money.


mynoise.net offers a bunch of different background noise generators, from thunderstorms to cafes; each one is customizable, so you can make 'em sound like whatever you want! this one's nice if you need noise while you're working but don't want to listen to something distracting like an audiobook or music.

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